Your Stay at Wangaratta Private Hospital
When you arrive
Please register at the Front Reception at the scheduled time for your admission. There is no need to arrive early, as waiting times in the reception area are usually short. You will then be escorted to your room by a member of the nursing staff or Ward Clerk.
Irrespective of your admission time you may experience a delay prior to surgery that is unavoidable due to the scheduling requirements of your treating doctors.
Accommodation is shared in the Day Surgery Unit.
Discharge usually occurs 2 – 4 hours after a procedure but the length of stay will depend on your condition after surgery.
Parents of children are welcome to stay in day ward. There is a TV, toys, and books to help amuse the children.
Shared room accommodation is only available in our Day Surgery Unit and High Dependency Unit.
Wangaratta Private Hospital offers a high standard of accommodation with all private rooms having ensuite facilities.
Depending on your reason for hospitalisation you may find yourself nursed for a time in our High Dependency Unit where you can be more closely monitored and observed by nursing staff.
We encourage a parent(s) to spend as much time as possible with their child during the child's hospitalisation. This helps to make them feel relaxed and feel safe. A recliner chair will be supplied for the parent who stays overnight with their child.
Call button
Should you require anything at anytime, please do not hesitate to call your nurse via the nurse call button located in the bedside handset. Our staff will endeavour to answer the call as quickly as possible. Staff are at work 24 hours a day, and would prefer that you contact them for assistance when required.
Flowers and mail
Flowers and mail are delivered directly to your room. If you have mail to post please contact the Reception staff and this will be arranged for you.
Our Catering Department prepares a variety of top quality, fresh meals. Menus will be provided each morning from which you may select meals according to your taste and dietary requirements. Your family and / or friends can dine with you by ordering and paying for their meal from the front reception area before 10.00 am or 3.30 pm
Bringing Food into the Hospital.
Food regulations prohibit people from bringing cooked meals into the hospital with the exception of fresh fruit, soft drinks, commercially packaged breakfast cereal and biscuits. Our well equipped catering department is able to provide for all diet and nutrition needs.
Ministers of religion
Your spiritual needs may be catered for by pastoral care visitors who attend the Hospital on a regular basis. Your own minister of religion is very welcome – please ask your nurse to arrange a visit.
One complimentary Herald Sun newspaper is provided each day. Should you prefer a different type of newspaper to replace the Herald Sun, please report to the nursing staff.
Smoking is not permitted within the hospital, or the hospital grounds
You can make and receive free local calls from the telephone by your bed.
When you are admitted please ask our staff if mobiles can be used in your room. Mobiles may be used in all public areas. Wangaratta Private Hospital does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage to your mobile phone.
Internet access is currently available through a wireless network.
A single handset by your bed allows you to select a range of free to air and Foxtel television stations. Radio stations are also available for listening pleasure.
If you have any concerns or queries about your care whilst you are a patient in our Hospital please bring them to our attention. The nurse in charge of your Ward will be able to answer questions and resolve problems related to your hospital care.
Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights
Wangaratta Private Hospital is committed to ensuring your rights as a patient are realised.
Ramsay Healthcare has adopted the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights in all its private hospitals.
A genuine partnership between patients, consumers and healthcare providers is important so that everyone achieves the best possible outcomes.
For more information about the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights, pick up a brochure in your bedroom
Patient feedback
Patient feedback is appreciated, as it assists us to make ongoing improvements to our services and facilities. Please feel free to provide feedback either through the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire or by writing to the Complaints Officer of the Hospital.
During a stay in hospital patients might be exposed to a number of risks which have the potential to cause harm or in very rare circumstances even death. These risks are included in this information guide to provide consumers with facts on how to remove or reduce the risks of unexpected events during a stay in hospital. The risks are Blood clots, Falls, Pressure injuries and unexpected events caused by poor hand hygiene
The following section of this guide provides a summary of each of the clinical risks. For more detailed information the reader is referred to respective websites from which comprehensive information can be downloaded.
1. Why is the risk of blood clots high in hospital?
Not moving increases your risk of blood clots
Normally blood flows quickly through veins without clotting. In the legs, muscle movements help to push the blood by squeezing the veins. But if you are not walking around for some time—for example, in bed in hospital—blood flow can become sluggish and allow a clot to form.
When you have surgery or an injury, the body stimulates the blood to clot more easily, to prevent blood loss. But this also increases the risk of unwanted clotting—that is, a deep vein thrombosis or Pulmonary Embolism.
2. Falls prevention
Many older patients fall while in hospital? While some falls cause no injuries, others can cause serious harm. Falls can also result in you fearing further falls and make it harder for you to stay independent.
There are usually a number of reasons for someone falling. These may include poor balance, incontinence, unfamiliar environments and obstacles, poor eyesight, unsafe footwear and some medicines, to name a few.
There are a number of ways to reduce your chance of falling. Staff will help you to stop falling by helping you to settle in, keeping your surroundings safe, and providing you with falls prevention information
3. Preventing pressure injuries
Who gets pressure injuries?
Anyone confined to bed or a chair, and unable to move, has loss of sensation, loss of bowel or bladder control, poor nutrition or is unwell is at risk of getting a pressure injury. A pressure injury (also known as a pressure sore or bed sore) is an area of skin that has been damaged due to unrelieved pressure.
Pressure injuries may look minor, such as redness on the skin, but they can hide more damage under the skin surface. Pressure injuries usually occur over bony areas – especially heels, buttocks and toes
4. Hand Hygiene
"Hand Hygiene is the single most important factor in reducing the spread of infections.
It is important that Hand Hygiene is performed at the right moment. Hand Hygiene can be performed by either washing with soap and water or using a waterless alcohol based hand rub".
When we are fit and healthy we can usually defend ourselves against many germs. Having healthy skin that is not damaged is one of the main ways we can do this.
Often our natural defences are weakened when we are not well or after an operation. This is especially true if you have broken skin areas, like a wound or device like a catheter or IV line. We encourage you, your family and your carer to have clean hands before and after they attend to any aspect of your care.